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Do you want to contact Himar Aceros?

We will answer any questions about our services, products and prices.

If you prefer, you can leave us a message below.

968 40 20 76

Where we are?

Himar Aceros S.L.

Oficina y Almacén


Carretera Nacional 340 nº122

El Descanso – Apdo.Correos 205

30890 Puerto Lumbreras, Murcia himar@himaraceros.com

Hieros y Ferrallas

Martinez S.L


Pol.Ind. El Descanso. C/Italia.

Apdo.Correos 206

30890 Puerto Lumbreras, Murcia info@hierrosyferrallasmartinez.com

Contact Form

The most efficient and fastest system to get in touch with us is by telephone, but if you prefer you can contact us through this form. We will try to answer you as soon as possible.

If you want to attach a file, you can write us an email directly clicking here


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